Dr. David Young, Chief Executive and Founder of Shield Corporate Finance, represented the employment sector "City & Finance" at a Careers Symposium organised by Canford School to help sixth formers develop some understanding of work life and keys to success in a wide variety of possible careers. David formed Shield a few years ago, to bring the divestiture skill-set he had assembled as JPMorgan's European Head of Sell-Side M&A to the small-cap and mid market.
Emerging from an afternoon series of 10-on-1 discussions, David said, "I was impressed by the way these young people are already thinking through the implications of their career choices. There were lots of penetrating questions and a real hunger to understand what makes people in my field tick, beyond money. I hope I managed to communicate a bit of my own enthusiasm for providing trustworthy service and good value for money. Business has to be about providing value to people in one way or another; making money should be a by-product, not the end in itself."
Simon de Halpert, co-ordinator for the symposium, said, "David Young was a key presenter at this year's Canford School's Careers Symposium. He talked to 3 groups of some of the 120 students who expressed interest in a livelihood in City and Finance, describing his own career, the rewards and risks before answering a host of questions. The students, all aged about 17, much appreciated the opportunity to pick his brains."
