Courses &


  An overview of Shield Corporate Finance's resources for Entrepreneurs (some free; some for a wee fee!)  



'Business Sales Success Secrets'  - Online Course

  '3X Valuation Bootcamp' - 6 week live Coaching   'Bounce Back Surf Camp'- 3 week live Coaching  

Practical guidance for Owner-Managers on the Keys to Success (+ checklist for avoiding a crash landing) in your count-down to launching a spectacular Sale Process. Distilled from decades of seeing it all!

  Develop your blueprint for tripling the value of your business in the shortest possible time, through this small-group online coaching programme led live by Exit Expert, Dr David Young


After any profit decline, build your 'Bounce Back Blueprint', featuring Cash Flow Clarity, Raised Resilience and a Value Reconstruction Plan! Join this 3-week live online coaching programme here!


Modularized, cost-effective Exit Planning support


Free online Businses Health Checks for you


Think you're ready to sell? Take our free test


Go HERE for the complete menu of our Exit Planning resources, courses & programmes. We offer modular support, just where you need it, to prevent you wasting time, money and effort en route to Exit.

  Get some fresh ideas by taking our two free online tests: Financial Endurance and Value (Re-)Building!   Shield's 'Sale Readiness Test' is designed to help you assess how ready you are to launch a business sale process, and give you action pointers >>  

Survival Spreadsheet Seminar - Micro Course


Buy essential book for owner managers

  "CLEAR TO LAND!" -12 wk Exit Plan Coaching  

Your 'Survival Speadsheet' template download plus an explanatory video to help you work out your future monthly cash flows, how to boost them & how much you may need to borrow to get through tough times.


Learn how to build value and make a business more saleable, and what a business sale involves. Co-written by Shield’s Chief Executive David Young >>

  Develop your best Exit Plan (with a Plan B) over 12 weeks (2-3 hours/week) in this live coaching programme designed to deal with the 5 Exit Blind-Spots that can wreck retirement for entrepreneurs, even after brilliant careers.   




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